Friday, November 21, 2014

Durango Food Scrap Collection

Free year round food collection from 
Businesses, Restaurants, and Events by Bicycle

A five, thirty, or sixty gallon collection bin is supplied and picked up daily or every other day and replaced with a clean collection bin.. all free of charge and synthetic chemical free waste is appreciated

Food Scraps are composted with in town at our Vermi-composting site on Main Ave. between 25th st. and 26th st.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Compost Sifter

Switch Box

Hole saw turned into pulley

Rim with hardware cloth for more grip

Bike tube belt drive

One handful at a time


Sifted material 1/4"

After sifting

Before sifting

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Sunflower Shoots

Wash station

Sprouts ready for harvest



With roots and shoots

with out roots

Half harvested

Compost Heating

A large compost pile 14 foot diameter with materials consisting of

70% Fresh wood chips, 
20% Fresh leafs, 
7% Fresh horse manure 
3% Spent coffee grounds

Polyethylene 1/2" pipe is laid down in a spiral and covered with material
A new layer is added every 4-6"

The heat generated from the compost process heats water in the tubing 
which is pumped to the greenhouse where it is passed through a heat exchanger and heats fish tank

1/2" x 500' Poly pipe roll

Layer 1

 Layer 2

 Layer 3

 Wood chips and Hose fittings

Bike trailer with .3 yards of horse manure, close to Max weight

Coffee grounds

24" high

Water each new layer of material thoroughly

Grass clippings mixed with leafs

55 gallon barrel on top

The barrel functions as a thermal expansion tank, make up water reservoir and a heat storage tank

Supply Lines

Pipes with Insulation

Man and Machine

Soon to be a pressure release valve and a fill valve

100 deg F water

Back up 1000w heater

In the greenhouse

Heat exchange coil at the bottom of the fish tank

Pipes with Insulation

Water flows in to the pump via gravity and is pumped up to either be sent to the tank heat exchange coil or sent back out to the pile

Water from pump to tank or bypass

Water from tank or bypass out to pile

The pump is wired to a thermostat that measures the waters temp.  When the temp is lower than 80 the pump will activate and cycle the hot water in the pile to the heat exchanger in the tank.