Paperwork, Land and Seeds
Ok, first things first.
Laws in place to grow hemp
Research & Development Registration Application
Commercial & Industrial Hemp Registration Application
Citizenship/Immigration Status Verification (Required for Sole Proprietorship)
PPQ 587 Application for Permit to Import Plants or Plant Products
The Rules, to be published as 8 CCR 1203-23, will sets forth the requirements of registration and inspection. These rules will be adopted and effective by early 2014.
The registration deadline is May 1 of each year, beginning in 2014.
Industrial Hemp means a plant of the genus Cannabis and any part of the plant, whether growing or not, containing a delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) concentration of no more than three-tenths of one percent (0.3%) on a dry weight basis.
Two types of registration will be allowed: Research and Development (R & D) and Commercial.
R & D is limited to 10 acres or less and will be charged a registration fee of $100 plus $5/acre.
Commercial registrants are not limited in size of acreage and will be charged a registration fee of $200 plus $1.00/acre.
When registering, applicants must provide:
contact information
maps that include GPS locations of all growing locations and varieties planted
affidavits or lab tests showing that the crop planted will produce a THC content of 0.3% or less
contact information
maps that include GPS locations of all growing locations and varieties planted
affidavits or lab tests showing that the crop planted will produce a THC content of 0.3% or less
-CDA will select at least one third of registrants each year for field sampling and verification of 0.3% or less THC content.
-Costs of field sampling and lab testing incurred by the Department will be passed on to the registrant.
-Fees for field sampling are currently $35/hour and will include drive time, sampling time and any per diem or room charges
Colorado Industrial Hemp Surveys
A networking group called the Colorado Hemp Coop has developed surveys to help determine what services the Cooperative can and will provide to members.
The first is a survey for farmers to gauge their interest in hemp as a new agricultural commodity. Colorado Hemp Cooperative Farmer Survey
The second is a survey of manufacturers & processors to determine the possibilities of creating more partnerships for the Cooperative. Colorado Hemp Cooperative Manufacturer/Processor Survey
The third is a survey of current and potential hemp consumers to establish if a consumer arm of the Cooperative is feasible. Colorado Hemp Cooperative Consumer Survey
Colorado Industrial Hemp Surveys
A networking group called the Colorado Hemp Coop has developed surveys to help determine what services the Cooperative can and will provide to members.
The first is a survey for farmers to gauge their interest in hemp as a new agricultural commodity. Colorado Hemp Cooperative Farmer Survey
The second is a survey of manufacturers & processors to determine the possibilities of creating more partnerships for the Cooperative. Colorado Hemp Cooperative Manufacturer/Processor Survey
The third is a survey of current and potential hemp consumers to establish if a consumer arm of the Cooperative is feasible. Colorado Hemp Cooperative Consumer Survey
Senate Rep. Jared Polis
A short clip from Ignite Boulder by Dr. Grant Orvis
After reading the rules, understanding the laws and a place to grow, seeds are next.
Though it is now legal to grow Industrial Hemp in Colorado,
hemp seed is still considered a banned substance by the DEA.
Seed is widely available on the international market but not legal to import..
because the DEA considers it a banned substance...even though its not.
(thanks to the amendments listed above)
The current policy of blocking imports of hemp leaves the only legal seed options being: Old USDA reserves of hemp seed from before hemp prohibition in 1937 and Hemp Seeds gathered from wild areas that have not been contaminated by strains of marijuana.
Though it is now legal to grow Industrial Hemp in Colorado,
hemp seed is still considered a banned substance by the DEA.
Seed is widely available on the international market but not legal to import..
because the DEA considers it a banned substance...even though its not.
(thanks to the amendments listed above)
The current policy of blocking imports of hemp leaves the only legal seed options being: Old USDA reserves of hemp seed from before hemp prohibition in 1937 and Hemp Seeds gathered from wild areas that have not been contaminated by strains of marijuana.