Thursday, August 29, 2013

Duck Weed and Racks

Four pounds of duckweed and an ice pack shipped from Florida

 The racks are made from 1/2" conduit and 2x4s.
Location is key when sprouting, utilizing micro climates and placing racks on the south wall help in the winter time.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A Good Morning

 Plants on 8/28/13

 Both fans mounted

 Water cress younglings

 Basil, Tomatoes, Okra

 Chocolate mint

 The large Tomato plants are for taking cuttings

 Ground leveled

 GFCI outlets and vent actuator 

 Heater and Electrical board in progress

 Out the front door

4 lbs of salad mix 
8.3 lbs brazing mix

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Pushing on Through

 Material for Sprout tray shelfs

 Air master 12" fan, 1500 cfm at 60w.  
Small and very efficient for their air delivery.
These fans use cartridge bearings vs. brass bushings and will run longer with less maintenance.

 Beginning of the electrical system.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Aquaponic Greenhouses

Out with the Old

Successful hu-manure experiment, two months worth of human shit (2 people) completely broken down in a one year static pile.  The total volume was 1 cubic yd.

In with the New

Growing Powers Real Secret

Lots of traditional hoop houses and lots of wood chip mulch.

This site was just down the street at an abandoned school. Almost the entire blacktop was covered in mulch and greenhouses.

Growing Power Visit